Selected articles by contemporary philosophers
Kwame Anthony Appiah, "What Does It Mean to 'Look Like Me'?"
Avery Archer, "Wondering about What You Know"
Tina Fernandes Botts, "Legal Hermeneutics"
Juliana Uhuru Bidadanure, "The Political Theory of Universal Basic Income"
Jacoby Adeshai Carter, "Alain LeRoy Locke"
Myisha Cherry, "Forgiveness, Exemplars, and the Oppressed"
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, "Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color"
Angela Y. Davis and Gina Dent, "Prison as a Border: On Gender, Globalization, and Punishment"
Raff Donelson, "Three Problems with Metaethical Minimalism"
Kristie Dotson, "How is this Paper Philosophy?"
Delia Fara, "Possibility Relative to a Sortal"
Arnold Farr, "Herbert Marcuse"
Kathryn Gines, "Comparative and Competing Frameworks of Oppression in Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex"
Lewis Gordon, "Is Philosophy Blue?"
Kwame Gyeke, "African Ethics"
Randall Harp, "Collective Action and Rational Choice Explanations"
bell hooks, "The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators"
Dismas Masolo, "The Making of a Tradition: African Philosophy in the New Millenium"
Lee McBride, "Forays in Insurrectionist Ethics"
Ajume Wingo, "Akan Philosophy of the Person"
Kwasi Wiredu, "Toward Decolonizing African Philosophy and Religion"
Monique Wonderly, "On Being Attached"
George Yancy, "I am a Dangerous Professor"
George Yancy, "The Pain and Promise of Black Women in Philosophy," an interview with Anita Allen
Kristie Dotson, "How is this Paper Philosophy?"
Delia Fara, "Possibility Relative to a Sortal"
Arnold Farr, "Herbert Marcuse"
Kathryn Gines, "Comparative and Competing Frameworks of Oppression in Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex"
Lewis Gordon, "Is Philosophy Blue?"
Kwame Gyeke, "African Ethics"
Randall Harp, "Collective Action and Rational Choice Explanations"
bell hooks, "The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators"
bell hooks, "Love as the Practice of Freedom"
bell hooks, "Toward a Worldwide Culture of Love"
Brandon Hogan, "A Hegelian Argument for Restorative Criminal Justice"
Bill Lawson, "The Value of Environmental Justice"
Celine Leboeuf, "The Social Constitution of the Body: Bodily Alienation and Bodily Integrity"
Fainos Mangena, "Hunhu/Ubuntu in the Traditional Thought of Southern Africa"
bell hooks, "Toward a Worldwide Culture of Love"
Brandon Hogan, "A Hegelian Argument for Restorative Criminal Justice"
Bill Lawson, "The Value of Environmental Justice"
Celine Leboeuf, "The Social Constitution of the Body: Bodily Alienation and Bodily Integrity"
Fainos Mangena, "Hunhu/Ubuntu in the Traditional Thought of Southern Africa"
Dismas Masolo, "The Making of a Tradition: African Philosophy in the New Millenium"
Lee McBride, "Forays in Insurrectionist Ethics"
Alexus McLeod, "In the World of Persons: The Personhood Debate in the Analects and Zhuangzi"
Lionel McPherson, "Innocence and Responsibility in War"
Charles W. Mills, ""But What Are You Really?" The Metaphysics of Race"
Michele Moody-Adams, "Political Philosophy or Political Theory: A Distinction without a Difference?"
Jennifer Nash, "Re-Thinking Intersectionality"
Marina Oshana, "Autonomy and the Question of Authenticity"
Lucius Outlaw, "Africana Philosophy"
Elliot Samuel Paul, "Cartesian Clarity"
Adrian Piper, "Moral Theory and Moral Alienation"
John Pittman, "Double Consciousness"
Keisha Ray, "What are You Doing for Black Philosophy?"
Kevin Richardson, "On What (In General) Grounds What"
Ryan Preston-Roedder, "Kant's Ethics and the Problem of Self-Deception"
Neil Roberts, "The Critique of Racial Liberalism: An Interview with Charles W. Mills"
Tommie Shelby, "Race and Ethnicity, Race and Social Justice: Rawlsian Considerations"
Georgette Sinkler, "Ockham and Ambiguity"
Subrena Smith, "Is Evolutionary Psychology Possible?"
Darian Spearman, "The Philosophical Significance of Slave Narratives"
Lionel McPherson, "Innocence and Responsibility in War"
Charles W. Mills, ""But What Are You Really?" The Metaphysics of Race"
Michele Moody-Adams, "Political Philosophy or Political Theory: A Distinction without a Difference?"
Jennifer Nash, "Re-Thinking Intersectionality"
Marina Oshana, "Autonomy and the Question of Authenticity"
Lucius Outlaw, "Africana Philosophy"
Elliot Samuel Paul, "Cartesian Clarity"
Adrian Piper, "Moral Theory and Moral Alienation"
John Pittman, "Double Consciousness"
Keisha Ray, "What are You Doing for Black Philosophy?"
Kevin Richardson, "On What (In General) Grounds What"
Ryan Preston-Roedder, "Kant's Ethics and the Problem of Self-Deception"
Neil Roberts, "The Critique of Racial Liberalism: An Interview with Charles W. Mills"
Tommie Shelby, "Race and Ethnicity, Race and Social Justice: Rawlsian Considerations"
Georgette Sinkler, "Ockham and Ambiguity"
Subrena Smith, "Is Evolutionary Psychology Possible?"
Darian Spearman, "The Philosophical Significance of Slave Narratives"
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, "Being-in-the-Room Privilege: Elite Capture and Epistemic Deference"
Mariam Thalos, "Two Conceptions of Collectivity"
Mariam Thalos, "Two Conceptions of Collectivity"
Ajume Wingo, "Akan Philosophy of the Person"
Kwasi Wiredu, "Toward Decolonizing African Philosophy and Religion"
Monique Wonderly, "On Being Attached"
George Yancy, "I am a Dangerous Professor"
George Yancy, "The Pain and Promise of Black Women in Philosophy," an interview with Anita Allen
Naomi Zack, "Denial of Universal Material Needs and Aversion to the Homeless"
Philosophers (with links to their web pages)
Abimbola, Kola
Agada, Ada
Ajari, Norman
Allen, Anita L.
Alston, Kal
Philosophers (with links to their web pages)
Abimbola, Kola
Agada, Ada
Ajari, Norman
Allen, Anita L.
Alston, Kal
Anderson, Jackie (1942-2016)
Anderson Jr., Luvell E.
Anderson Jr., Luvell E.
Anderson, Sybol Cook
Ani, Emmanuel
Appiah, Kwame Anthony
Arah, Benjamin
Archer, Avery
Archampong, Charles Benjamin Kwabena (1940-2012)
Asike, Joseph
Asouzu, Innocent
Ani, Emmanuel
Appiah, Kwame Anthony
Arah, Benjamin
Archer, Avery
Archampong, Charles Benjamin Kwabena (1940-2012)
Asike, Joseph
Asouzu, Innocent
Attoe, Aribiah David
Bailey, Julius
Baker, Thomas Nelson, Sr. (1860-1940)
Bamikole, Lawrence Ojo
Banner, William A. (1915-2013)
Beckles-Raymond, Gabriella
Bell, Derrick (1930-2011)
Belle, Kathryn Sophia
Bello, A.G.A.
Bailey, Julius
Baker, Thomas Nelson, Sr. (1860-1940)
Bamikole, Lawrence Ojo
Banner, William A. (1915-2013)
Beckles-Raymond, Gabriella
Bell, Derrick (1930-2011)
Belle, Kathryn Sophia
Bello, A.G.A.
Berteaux, John
Bewaji, John Ayotunde Isola
Bewaji, John Ayotunde Isola
Bey, Marquis
Bidadanure, Juliana Uhuru
Bidima, Jean-Godefroy
Bierria, Alisa
Birhane, Abeba
Birt, Robert E.
Boaheng, Paul
Bodunrin, Peter (1936-1997)
Boni, Tanella
Botts, Tina
Bidadanure, Juliana Uhuru
Bidima, Jean-Godefroy
Bierria, Alisa
Birhane, Abeba
Birt, Robert E.
Boaheng, Paul
Bodunrin, Peter (1936-1997)
Boni, Tanella
Botts, Tina
Buffington, Lina
Burton, Roxanne
Butler, Broadus N. (1920-1996)
Carew, George
Carter, Jacoby A.
Cassell, Lisa R.
Cavers-Huff, Daseia (1961-2007)
CheeMooke, Robert A. (1939-2010)
Cherry, Myisha
Chieck, Yual
Chirimuuta, Mazviita
Clardy, Justin
Clune-Taylor, Catherine
Collins, Patricia Hill
Coleman, Nathaniel Adam Tobias
Coleman, Winson R. (1905-1984)
Cook, Joyce Mitchell (1933-2014)
Cooper, Anna Julia (1858-1964)
Cormier, Harvey
Crenshaw, Kimberlé Williams
Curry, Tommy J.
Daise, Benjamin
Darby, Derrick
Davidson, Maria del Guadalupe
Davis, Angela
Burton, Roxanne
Butler, Broadus N. (1920-1996)
Carew, George
Carter, Jacoby A.
Cassell, Lisa R.
Cavers-Huff, Daseia (1961-2007)
CheeMooke, Robert A. (1939-2010)
Cherry, Myisha
Chieck, Yual
Chirimuuta, Mazviita
Clardy, Justin
Clune-Taylor, Catherine
Collins, Patricia Hill
Coleman, Winson R. (1905-1984)
Cook, Joyce Mitchell (1933-2014)
Cooper, Anna Julia (1858-1964)
Cormier, Harvey
Crenshaw, Kimberlé Williams
Curry, Tommy J.
Daise, Benjamin
Darby, Derrick
Davidson, Maria del Guadalupe
Davis, Angela
Davis, Emmalon
Davis, Illya
Davis, Illya
Davis, Lachanda
Davis, Nena
Dawson, Clanton
Decker, Johnathan P.
Dent, Gina
DeVries, Sandra
Diagne, Souleymane Bachir
Donelson, Raff
Dotson, Kristie
Du Bois, W.E.B. (1868-1963)
Dunham, Jr., Albert Millard (1906-1949)
Eddins, Berkley (1926-2009)
Davis, Nena
Dawson, Clanton
Decker, Johnathan P.
Dent, Gina
DeVries, Sandra
Diagne, Souleymane Bachir
Donelson, Raff
Dotson, Kristie
Du Bois, W.E.B. (1868-1963)
Dunham, Jr., Albert Millard (1906-1949)
Eddins, Berkley (1926-2009)
Ewuoso, Cornelius
Eze, Chielozona
Eze, Emmanuel Chukwudi (1963-2007)
Eze, Michael Onyebuchi
Falaiye, Muyiwa
Fanon, Frantz (1925-1961)
Fara, Delia Graff (1969-2017)
Farr, Arnold
Ferguson, Stephen
Fields, Keota D.
Flowers, Johnathan
Foe, Nkolo
Fontaine, William (1909-1968)
Ford, Anton
Franklin, Todd
Frankowski, Alfred
Frye, Charles A. (1946-1994)
Fryer, Daniel
Garcia, Jorge
Garza, Mara
Gates, Henry Louis
Gbadegesin, Segun
Gbotokuma, Zekeh
Eze, Chielozona
Eze, Emmanuel Chukwudi (1963-2007)
Eze, Michael Onyebuchi
Falaiye, Muyiwa
Fanon, Frantz (1925-1961)
Fara, Delia Graff (1969-2017)
Farr, Arnold
Ferguson, Stephen
Fields, Keota D.
Flowers, Johnathan
Foe, Nkolo
Fontaine, William (1909-1968)
Ford, Anton
Franklin, Todd
Frankowski, Alfred
Frye, Charles A. (1946-1994)
Fryer, Daniel
Garcia, Jorge
Garza, Mara
Gates, Henry Louis
Gbadegesin, Segun
Gbotokuma, Zekeh
Givhan, Anthony
Golden, Timothy Joseph
Golightly, Cornelius L. (1917-1976)
Gonzalez de Allen, Gertrude James
Goodin, Patrick
Gooding-Williams, Robert
Gordon, Lewis R.
Green, J. Everet
Greene, Nathifa
Greener, Richard T. (1844-1922)
Gutema, Bekele
Gyeke, Kwame (1939-2019)
Haile, James
Hall, Barbara
Hamilton, Adam
Hamilton, Eboni T.
Hardimon, Michael O.
Harding, Oswald
Harloe, Katherine
Harp, Randall
Harris, Kimberly
Harris, Luke C.
Havis, Devonya
Harris, Leonard
Golightly, Cornelius L. (1917-1976)
Gonzalez de Allen, Gertrude James
Goodin, Patrick
Gooding-Williams, Robert
Gordon, Lewis R.
Green, J. Everet
Greene, Nathifa
Greener, Richard T. (1844-1922)
Gutema, Bekele
Gyeke, Kwame (1939-2019)
Haile, James
Hall, Barbara
Hamilton, Adam
Hamilton, Eboni T.
Hardimon, Michael O.
Harding, Oswald
Harloe, Katherine
Harp, Randall
Harris, Kimberly
Harris, Luke C.
Havis, Devonya
Harris, Leonard
Hawkins, Orlando
Haynes, Patrice
Haywood, Tamara
Headley, Clevis
Healy, Patrick Francis (1834-1910)
Henning, Tempest
Henry, Paget
Hill, Charles Leander (1906-1956)
Hill, Jason
Hill, Renee
Haynes, Patrice
Haywood, Tamara
Headley, Clevis
Healy, Patrick Francis (1834-1910)
Henning, Tempest
Henry, Paget
Hill, Charles Leander (1906-1956)
Hill, Jason
Hill, Renee
Hogan, Brandon
Holmes, Eugene C. (1905-1980)
Hood, Pamela M.
hooks, bell (1952-2021)
Hountondji, Paulin (1942-2024)
Ikuenobe, Polycarp A.
Holmes, Eugene C. (1905-1980)
Hood, Pamela M.
hooks, bell (1952-2021)
Hountondji, Paulin (1942-2024)
Ikuenobe, Polycarp A.
Imafidon, Elvis
Imbo, Samuel Oluoch
Irele, Dipo
Jackson, Myron Moses
Jaima, Amir
James, V. Denise
James, Joy
Jean-Marie, Vivaldi
Jeffers, Chike
Johnson, Charles R.
Johnson, Clarence Sholé
Johnston, Percy (1930-1993)
Jones, Gilbert Haven (1881-1966)
Jones, Janine
Jones, Jeffrey (1968-2020)
Jones, Richard A.
Jones, William R. (1933-2012)
Judy, Ronald A.T.
Kagabo, Liboire
Imbo, Samuel Oluoch
Irele, Dipo
Jackson, Myron Moses
Jaima, Amir
James, V. Denise
James, Joy
Jean-Marie, Vivaldi
Jeffers, Chike
Johnson, Charles R.
Johnson, Clarence Sholé
Johnston, Percy (1930-1993)
Jones, Gilbert Haven (1881-1966)
Jones, Janine
Jones, Jeffrey (1968-2020)
Jones, Richard A.
Jones, William R. (1933-2012)
Judy, Ronald A.T.
Kagabo, Liboire
Kaphagawani, Didier Njirayamanda
Karera, Axelle
Kebede, Messay
Kelbessa Workineh
Kelley, Anthony
Kelsey, George (1910-1996)
King, Preston T.
King, Rodmon
Kirkland, Frank
Kiros, Teodros
Kisolo-Ssonko, Joseph
Karera, Axelle
Kebede, Messay
Kelbessa Workineh
Kelley, Anthony
Kelsey, George (1910-1996)
King, Preston T.
King, Rodmon
Kirkland, Frank
Kiros, Teodros
Kisolo-Ssonko, Joseph
Lamarre, Ashley
Lamola, John
Lawson, Bill
Leboeuf, Celine
Lebron, Christopher
Lewis, Dwight
Locke, Alain LeRoy (1885-1954)
Lott, Tommy L.
Lyskawa, Matthew
Maglo, Koffi
Maina, Wilson
Makinde, Moses Akin
Mangena, Fainos
Lamola, John
Lawson, Bill
Leboeuf, Celine
Lebron, Christopher
Lewis, Dwight
Locke, Alain LeRoy (1885-1954)
Lott, Tommy L.
Lyskawa, Matthew
Maglo, Koffi
Maina, Wilson
Makinde, Moses Akin
Mangena, Fainos
Marriott, David. S.
Masolo, Dismas
Mason, Qrescent
Matthew, Dale
Mazrui, Ali A. (1933-2014)
Mbiti, John S.
Mbonda, Ernest-Marie
McAllister, Winston Kermit (1920-1976)
McBride, Lee
McClendon, John H.
McGary Jr., Howard
McClean, David (faculty profile), (personal web page)
McKenzie, Earl
McKinney, Richard (1906-2005)
McLaughlin, Wayman Bernard (1927-2003)
McLeod, Alexus
McPherson, Lionel K.
Menkiti, Ifeanyi A. (1940-2019)
Mensah, Shaeeda
Melton, Desiree
Migan, Darla
Miles, Kevin
Mills, Charles W. (1951-2021)
Mills, Kenneth (1931-1983)
Miranda, Dana
Masolo, Dismas
Mason, Qrescent
Matthew, Dale
Mazrui, Ali A. (1933-2014)
Mbiti, John S.
Mbonda, Ernest-Marie
McAllister, Winston Kermit (1920-1976)
McBride, Lee
McClendon, John H.
McGary Jr., Howard
McClean, David (faculty profile), (personal web page)
McKenzie, Earl
McKinney, Richard (1906-2005)
McLaughlin, Wayman Bernard (1927-2003)
McLeod, Alexus
McPherson, Lionel K.
Menkiti, Ifeanyi A. (1940-2019)
Mensah, Shaeeda
Melton, Desiree
Migan, Darla
Miles, Kevin
Mills, Charles W. (1951-2021)
Mills, Kenneth (1931-1983)
Miranda, Dana
Modisakeng, Lemogang
Moody-Adams, Michele M.
Moore, Darrell
More, Mabogo P.
Morgan, Marcyliena
Mosley, Albert
Mubirumusoke, Mukasa
Mudimbe, Valentin Y.
Moody-Adams, Michele M.
Moore, Darrell
More, Mabogo P.
Morgan, Marcyliena
Mosley, Albert
Mubirumusoke, Mukasa
Mudimbe, Valentin Y.
Murungi, John
Mutinda, Nzioki
Nash, Jennifer C.
Neal, Anthony
Ngosso, Thierry
Nlandu, Tamba
Nwaneri, Ndidi
Nya, Nathalie
Nyasani, Joseph (1936-2016)
Nash, Jennifer C.
Neal, Anthony
Ngosso, Thierry
Nlandu, Tamba
Nwaneri, Ndidi
Nya, Nathalie
Nyasani, Joseph (1936-2016)
Nzegwu, Nkiru
Obi, Augustine
Ocaya, Victor
Ochieng, Omedi
Ochieng'-Odhiambo, Frederick
Oguejiofor, J. Obi
Ogungbure, Adebayo Anthony
Oke, Ronke
Okeja, Uchenna
Okolo, Chukwudum
Okonda, Benoît Okolo
Obi, Augustine
Ocaya, Victor
Ochieng, Omedi
Ochieng'-Odhiambo, Frederick
Oguejiofor, J. Obi
Ogungbure, Adebayo Anthony
Oke, Ronke
Okeja, Uchenna
Okolo, Chukwudum
Okonda, Benoît Okolo
Ojelade, Joel
Oladipo, Olusegun (1957-2009)
Oluwole, Sophie (1935-2018)
O'Neal, Brittany
Oniang'o, Clement
Oruka, Henry Odera (1944-1995)
Oladipo, Olusegun (1957-2009)
Oluwole, Sophie (1935-2018)
O'Neal, Brittany
Oniang'o, Clement
Oruka, Henry Odera (1944-1995)
Osei, Joseph
Osei-Frimpong, Irami
Osei-Frimpong, Irami
Osha, Sanya
Oshana, Marina
Outlaw Jr., Lucius T.
Oyewumi, Oyeronke
Paris, William
Paul, Elliot
Perina, Mickaella L.
Piper, Adrian
Pittman, John P.
Oshana, Marina
Outlaw Jr., Lucius T.
Oyewumi, Oyeronke
Paris, William
Paul, Elliot
Perina, Mickaella L.
Piper, Adrian
Pittman, John P.
Radford-Curry, Blanche
Ramose, Mogobe
Ray, Keisha
Richardson, Kevin
Ricks, Vance
Roberts, Neil
Roberts, Rodney C.
Robinson, Cavin
Robinson, Juneko
Ramose, Mogobe
Ray, Keisha
Richardson, Kevin
Ricks, Vance
Roberts, Neil
Roberts, Rodney C.
Robinson, Cavin
Robinson, Juneko
Rogers, Melvin
Russell, Camisha
Savage, Reginald
Schroer, Jeanine Weekes
Scott, Damion
Scott, Jacqueline
Russell, Camisha
Savage, Reginald
Schroer, Jeanine Weekes
Scott, Damion
Scott, Jacqueline
Scott, Jordan
Scriven, Darryl
Sealey, Kris
Serequeberhan, Tsenay
Sharpley-Whiting, Tracy Denean
Shelby, Tommie
Shelton, LaVerne
Shorter-Bourhanou, Jameliah
Scriven, Darryl
Sealey, Kris
Serequeberhan, Tsenay
Sharpley-Whiting, Tracy Denean
Shelby, Tommie
Shelton, LaVerne
Shorter-Bourhanou, Jameliah
Sinkler, Georgette
Smaw, Eric
Smith, Subrena
Sodipo, John Olubi (1935-1999)
Souffrant, Eddy
Spearman, Darian
Spencer, Ayanna
Spencer, Quayshawn
Stewart, Lindsey
Stone, Brad Elliott
Sundstrom, Ronald
Táíwò, Olúfémi
Smaw, Eric
Smith, Subrena
Sodipo, John Olubi (1935-1999)
Souffrant, Eddy
Spearman, Darian
Spencer, Ayanna
Spencer, Quayshawn
Stewart, Lindsey
Stone, Brad Elliott
Sundstrom, Ronald
Táíwò, Olúfémi
Tangwa, Godfrey B.
Taylor, Kenneth Allen (1954-2019)
Taylor, Paul
Teffo, Lesiba Joseph (Joe)
Thalos, Mariam
Terry, Brandon M.
Thiam, Cheikh
Taylor, Kenneth Allen (1954-2019)
Taylor, Paul
Teffo, Lesiba Joseph (Joe)
Thalos, Mariam
Terry, Brandon M.
Thiam, Cheikh
Thomas, K. Bailey
Thomas, Laurence
Thomas, Michael
Thompson, Stephen L.
Thompson, Winston
Tolliver, Joseph
Toole, Briana
Torrey, John
Tshivhase, Mpho
Tucker, Travis
Tuggle, Melvin
Tunstall, Dwayne
Valentine, Desiree
Vanterpool, Rudolph V. (1941-2022)
Vest, Jennifer Lisa
Wade, Maurice
Wafula, Muyila Jackson
Wamala, Edward
Wambui, Betty
Thomas, Laurence
Thomas, Michael
Thompson, Stephen L.
Thompson, Winston
Tolliver, Joseph
Toole, Briana
Torrey, John
Tshivhase, Mpho
Tucker, Travis
Tuggle, Melvin
Tunstall, Dwayne
Valentine, Desiree
Vanterpool, Rudolph V. (1941-2022)
Vest, Jennifer Lisa
Wade, Maurice
Wafula, Muyila Jackson
Wamala, Edward
Wambui, Betty
Wilson, Max (1924-1988)
Wilson, Yolonda
Wingo, Ajume
Wiredu, Kwasi
Woldeyohannes, Tedla
Wonderly, Monique
Woodson, Andrew
Yancy, George D.
Wilson, Yolonda
Wingo, Ajume
Wiredu, Kwasi
Woldeyohannes, Tedla
Wonderly, Monique
Woodson, Andrew
Yancy, George D.
Zack, Naomi
Zimeta, Mahlet
Links to professional societies
Alain Locke Society
Caribbean Philosophical Association
International Society for African Philosophy and Studies
Philosophers Association of Nigeria
Society for the Study of Africana Philosophy
The Philosophical Society of Southern Africa
Zimeta, Mahlet
Links to professional societies
Alain Locke Society
Caribbean Philosophical Association
International Society for African Philosophy and Studies
Philosophers Association of Nigeria
Society for the Study of Africana Philosophy
The Philosophical Society of Southern Africa